The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years has facilitated the development of language-related applications. In this talk, we will give practical tips…
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is pleased to organise the 3rd Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar (2020/21) on 8 April 2021 (Thursday). Coming…
(Chinese version only)二零二零年,新冠疫情使全球經濟陷於停頓,也帶動新的經濟模式。踏入二零二一年,隨著疫苗的推廣注射,亞洲經濟有望在下半年走向復蘇。可是,中美關係仍是不確定因素,像是一朵烏雲籠罩在各國。此時兩會在北京召開,針對内外情勢變化,做出前瞻性政策規劃,試圖在危機中開創新的機遇。而去年RCEP成立,為亞洲經濟整合打入强心針。香港恒生大學大中華研究中心與《亞洲週刊》有見及此,合辦「疫後亞洲經濟面對的挑戰及機遇」講座,從兩會召開及RCEP建立,由不同角度,探討亞洲經濟前景與香港何去何從。講者陣容鼎盛,皆是領域專家,助您了解變局中尋找勝局的方法,不容錯過。 講座詳情如下:日期:2021年4月10日 (星期六)時間:下午3時至5時30分講座題目:疫後亞洲經濟面對的挑戰及機遇 ── 兩會願景及RCEP建立的啟示主持人:何順文 香港恒生大學校長邱立本 亞洲週刊總編輯嘉賓 (依筆畫排序):伍俊飛 香港天大研究院副院長李大壯 中華新時代智庫基金會理事長,港台經濟文化合作協進會主席,新大中集團執行主席高朗 香港恒生大學大中華研究中心主任黃平 香港中國學術研究院常務副院長,全國港澳研究會副會長,中國社科院台港澳研究中心主任 講座形式:同時以實地(恒大校園)及網上進行語言:普通話費用:免費(名額有限,先到先得) 如欲索取更多資料,請致電 (852) 3963 5012 或電郵至。
The HSUHK Founders’ Day 2021 Youth Development Forum will be held by The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong on 16 March 2021 (Tuesday). The…
Arts@HSUHK is delighted to present the art exhibition Cohabitants of the Urban Jungle – Paintings by Human Ip. Writer and artist Human Ip uses text…
Recently, fascinating subtitles translation has been a hot research topic in translation studies. Demand for translation is growing due to globalization and prevalence of streaming.…
An annual signature career event – HSUHK Hybrid Careers Fair is scheduled to be held from 8 to 12 March 2021 (Mon – Fri). The…
Be prepared to transform together!It has been a tough time for many university students since last year with the economic downturn caused by the pandemic,…
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is pleased to launch the Second Teaching Excellence Awards Sharing Seminar (2020/21) on 4 March 2021 (Thursday). We are…
Through the display of some artistically valuable masterpieces, this talk aims to showcase how Italian painter Sandro Botticelli developed as an artist, becoming a master…