High-Quality Standard and Management Hub established

24 August 2024

The High-Quality Standard and Management Hub (HQSAM Hub), under the Institute of Knowledge Exchange (IKE) at HSUHK, was officially inaugurated on 24 August 2024. The HQSAM Hub was established with a donation of HK$500,000 from GoFintech Innovation Limited. The primary objectives of the HQSAM Hub are to promote the establishment and implementation of high-quality standards, facilitate applied research and innovation in quality management, and provide education, training, and industry collaboration.

During the opening ceremony, President Simon Ho discussed the evolving definition of quality management and articulated how high-quality standards can enhance corporate performance. Dr Isaac Ng, Co-Director of the Hub, outlined future development plans, including an executive training course focused on green construction and smart city initiatives.

Professor Gavin Chau, the other Co-Director of the Hub and President of the Hong Kong Quality Management Association, emphasised that high-quality development is essential for national development, highlighting the importance of trust in market competition. Mr Yuan Tianfu, Co-CEO of GoFintech Innovation Limited, praised the establishment of the Hub, viewing it as a vital bridge for efficient collaboration among academia, industry, and the financial sector.

Mr Yuan Tianfu, Co-CEO of GoFintech Innovation Limited (2nd from left), presents a cheque to Dr John Leung, Associate Vice-President (Knowledge Exchange) and Director of IKE (3rd from right).
An MoU is signed among Dr Frankie Lam, Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Management Association (front left); Mr Yuan Tianfu; and Dr Isaac Ng. The signing is witnessed by Professor Gavin Chau, Co-Director of HQSAM Hub and President of the Hong Kong Quality Management Association (back left), President Ho, Dr John Leung, and Dr Brian Chan, Co-President of GBA Education Resources Centre.