HSUHK tour visits Fujian Yongding

13 August 2024

A cultural and technology exchange tour was organised from 12 to 13 August 2024 to Fujian Yongding. The delegation visited Fujian Tulou, a UNESCO World Heritage site, as well as the Tiger Balm Garden. The trip was supported by the Aw Boon Haw Foundation, representatives from the Foundation, HSUHK and the Hong Kong Chu Hai College.

A pivotal aspect of the tour included a series of meetings between academia, government, and cultural institutions, during which the culture and technology development for Fujian Tulou’s and Tiger Balm Garden’s exhibitions were discussed.

Additionally, the delegation met with the curator of the Fujian Tulou Museum and explored innovative ways to enhance visitors’ experiences by leveraging virtual reality and metaverse technologies, that will help create immersive and interactive experiences, and bridge the gap between traditions and modernisation.

The delegation visits the Fujian Yongding Tiger Balm Garden.
The delegation visits the Fujian Tulou Museum.