HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2022-23) Sharing Seminar 2

17 May 2024

To recognise the teachers who won the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards (2022-23), the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) hosted the second sharing seminar on 17 May 2024 titled “Teaching = Marketing Marketing Knowledge – A Collaborative Exploration of Teachers’ and Learners’ Experience”, co-facilitated by 2022-23 award recipients Dr Fanny Chan, Head and Associate Professor and Dr Terence Li, Part-time Lecturer, both from the Department of Marketing.

Dr Fanny Chan kicked off the seminar by decoding the title and discussing the challenges faced by teachers today. She shared her teaching approach and discussed various projects designed to engage and empower her students. Dr Terence Li discussed his teaching pedagogies and shared teaching materials designed to motivate and engage students, including session planning and techniques for delivering lectures.

To demonstrate the collaborative relationship between teachers and learners, Dr Chan and Dr Li invited two alumni, Mr David Poon and Ms Lizel Kwok, as well as a current HSUHK student Jeffrey Wong (BBA in Marketing, Year 4) to share their learning experiences with Dr Chan and Dr Li, which helped their careers and personal development.

Dr Fanny Chan discusses challenges faced by teachers and her teaching strategies.
Dr Terence Li shares insights on session planning and techniques for delivering lectures.
Dr Ben Cheng, Director of CTL (front left) poses for a group photo with Dr Fanny Chan, Dr Terence Li, and participants.