AC.CG Reception 2016

24 August 2016

The Department of Accountancy hosted the AC.CG Reception 2016 on 24 August 2016 for all students from BBA (with Accounting Concentration) and BBA (in Corporate Governance). The Reception aimed to provide an orientation to the students to better prepared to start their new semester.  The Reception addressed issues relating to their curriculum such as pre-requisites and graduation requirements, pathways to enter the accountancy profession such as choice from different professional bodies, and useful hints of job-hunting including a walk-thru of the Big-4 recruitment process. Also, staff from the Student Affairs Office provides useful tips and guidance of using their website and resources for career-related issues. More than ten senior years’ students and past graduates were invited to share their past experience in accomplishing the study, choosing the professional examination, and successfully gaining job offers.  More than 110 students attended the event.

Around 120 students attended the event

Around 120 students attended the event

Graduates shared their experience in job hunting and professional examinations

Graduates shared their experience in job hunting and professional examinations