7 April 2016
The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture had successfully organised the literary talk “From Four Minutes to Forty Years: Experiencing Time in the Writing of Poetry” on 7 April 2016. It was also the second part of the 2nd Tertiary Institutions Literary Parade coordinated by Spicy Fish Cultural Production Ltd.
The speaker, Mr Lau Wai-shing, isa renowned Hong Kong writer who has received different kinds of local writing awards. Mr Lau started off by introducing the concept of time in the poems of Elizabeth Bishop and compared the creative works of Wislawa Szymborska and Chung Kwok-keung to show different meanings of time in literature. Using interesting examples of Korean popular TV series, Irish geographical landscape, and local social issues, Mr Lau enlightened the audience on the relationship between the form of creative writing and the linguistic context. The talk ended with lively discussion between the audience and the speaker.