The 4th Business Journalism Awards of HSUHK Recognises Outstanding Journalists

The results of the 4th Business Journalism Awards (the BJ Awards) of HSUHK were announced on 4 May 2020. Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, was invited to deliver a message in
a video to congratulate the journalists whose entries were well-deserving of these awards. “We are witnessing a crucial historical turning point. It is an extremely challenging yet invaluable experience for reporters, especially for the economic and business reporters.” Mr Chan said.

President Simon S M Ho expressed his wishes that the BJ Awards would be an occasion to encourage business journalists to explore innovative topics for high-quality business coverage to provide useful references for local socio-economic development. He believes that The School of Communication will uphold the spirit of ‘To Sustain and Inspire; Be Liberal and Professional’, the theme for the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK, to equip students to be firm pillars of the future media industry and contribute to the community with more far-reaching impacts.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School of Communication, said the awarded entries were remarkable and had shown the public examples of professional, high-quality and inspiring business news coverage. She looked forward to the continuous support of the BJ Awards from different sectors of the community, and hoped that the BJ Awards would help drive developments in the media and education industries.

This year’s BJ Awards has 9 award categories, covering various areas in business and financial journalism. Seventy judges from different sectors reviewed over 500 submissions from nearly 300 participating journalists. The final awarded entries were selected according to the value, impact, quality, presentation skills, analytical skills and visual presentation of the coverage.

Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, congratulates all awardees.
Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, congratulates all awardees.
President Simon Ho delivers a remark
President Simon Ho delivers a remark
Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of SCOM, thanks the support of the BJ Awards from different sectors of the community.
Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of SCOM, thanks the support of the BJ Awards from different sectors of the community.

Ms Enoch Yiu, the recipient of the Business Reporter of the Year, thanks for the support from her  company and the interviewees.

Ms Tongqu Zhao, the recipient of the Young Business Reporter of the Year, says she will write more good news stories.

Award CategoriesAwardsEntriesAwardees 
Best Business News Reporting
拆解扣稅三寶全餐Cheuk-wai Ip, Tsz-ying Yeung
iMoney Magazine
Silver【保險不姓保】內地客買投連險中伏 30分鐘投保2,000萬 3年輸清光Jessica Chan
Apple Daily
SilverVillages that help spin an industryMo Zhou
China Daily
VideoGold他們的榮譽學位Leung-kit Yeung
Cable TV
Silver大火後三年迷你倉仍有隱患Ching-wun Wong
Cable TV
AudioGold外賣送餐程式:價落誰家?Hiu-lok Chan, Ka-yu Lam, Yuen-ki Ng, Lok-man
Radio Television Hong Kong
Silver民間籌建新春熟食墟市 地區經濟成創業試煉場Wai-ho Law
Radio Television Hong Kong
Best Business News Series Reporting
TextGold趨勢報告:港商走出去系列Wai-lam Or
iMoney Magazine
Silver水署億元工程 未招標批潘樂陶公司Ho-him Chan, Sung-pik Leung, Pui-wing Lo
Ming Pao
Silver大橋一周年經濟檢閱系列Yuen-yung Chan, Tsang-lung Kwok, Tsz-ching
Lam, Cheuk-wing Lee
Sing Tao Daily
Silver工業4.0救港之系列Hau-ling Yan
Wen Wei Po
VideoGold「一手樓高回贈亂象」系列Shun-hei Chan, Wai-keung Chow, Kit-ling
Chu, Meilin Ci, Alger Siu, Hoi-to Wong
Silver貿易戰火企業「出走」系列Sze-hang Wong
Now TV
AudioGold探索大灣區:廣州機遇系列報道Sheung-chung Chan
Commercial Radio
Silver大灣區系列:一河之隔 機遇處處Yau-kwan Li
Commercial Radio
Best Property Market
News Reporting
TextGold 港人投資大灣區劏舖爛尾實錄Ching-shan Cheng
iMoney Magazine
Silver 共居空間漸盛行 會否步共享工作間後塵?Wing-yin Chan
iMoney Magazine
Video and AudioGold 大馬男丁套丁調查報道Yun-nam Chan, Wai-keung Chow, Joe Leung,
Cheuk-hei Sham, Anson Siu
SilverAVA228 起居空間僅60呎Siu-on Yip
Cable TV
Best Business &
Finance Profile Interview
TextGold 土地房策專家黃遠輝 全自動退休理財法Lok-lam Fung, Cheuk-wai Ip
iMoney Magazine
Silver 專訪阿里巴巴張勇 5年內中國消費10萬億Josephine Cheung
iMoney Magazine
Video and AudioGold 理財有方二代啟示錄系列 – 守業?創業?Ka-wai Tang
Now TV
Silver 合作遇阻?馬財長證中馬關係向好Xiaotong Hu
Phoenix Satellite TV
Best Economic & Financial Policy
News Reporting
TextGold 丁權覆核案拆局 原居民「輸粒糖贏間廠」 政府脫緊箍咒Ka-man Cheung, Kit-yan Wong
Silver 自願醫保專題Ivan Man
Video and AudioGold 環視大灣:世界灣區Yin-fun Li
Cable TV
SilverPearl Magazine: Go GreenerDouglas George
Best Business Technology
News Reporting
TextGold ‘Smart mobility’ needs data-sharing ecosystemOswald Chan
China Daily
Silver別誇大5G!技術盲點可肇禍Yun-yan Lee
Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly
Silver China’s car parking problem spawns start-ups with big money backers as AI dominance growsDaniel Ren, Peggy Sito
South China Morning Post
Video and AudioGold潮玩科技:黑客專屬馬拉松Janice Wong
Now TV
Silver 押注「雲工廠」 廣東工業4.0能靠它嗎?Yun-ning Zhang
Cable TV
Best Visual Design of Business
News Reporting
Still Image植物肉顛「腹」想像 可持續飲食新趨勢Yu-ngan Chow, Wai-chun Yiu
Hong Kong Economic Times
Motion他們的榮譽學位Leung-kit Yeung
Cable TV
Young Business Reporter of the YearTongqu Zhao
Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Business Reporter of the YearEnoch Yiu
South China Morning Post