HSMC Mascot Design Competition

HSMC Mascot Design Competition

Use of the Mascot

A future ambassador of HSMC, the mascot will help strengthen the College’s image and popularity in the society, especially among the teenagers. The winning design may be put in use by HSMC in the following promotion channels:

1. Visual

  • Video (e.g. College’s promotional video)
  • Photo (e.g. Group photo with guests in various events)
  • Online promotion (e.g. College website or social network)

2. Material

  • Mascot in costume attending College events
  • College souvenir
  • Giveaway items


  • Student
  • Staff
  • Alumni


  • Champion – HK$2,000 Gift vouchers and an award certificate
  • First Runner-up – HK$1,000 Gift vouchers and an award certificate
  • Second Runner-up – HK$500 Gift vouchers and an award certificate
  • Most Popular Award – HK$1,500 Gift vouchers and an award certificate

Application Form

Awards and Assessment Criteria

1. Champion, First Runner-up, Second Runner-up

The Judging Panel will make assessment according to following criteria:

  • Design concept – personality of the Mascot, relevance to HSMC
  • Aesthetic quality – art techniques, visual impact
  • Creativity – originality

2. Most Popular Award

Assessment Criteria:

  •  Popularity – according to the number of “like” on Facebook


  1. Individual or team participation (no more than 5 persons) is allowed.
  2. Each individual/team can submit a maximum of 2 entries.
  3. There is no specification on entry format (2D/3D drawing, 3D model, animation and video are accepted, except written texts.)
  4. Hand-painted or computer-drawn entries should be displayed by painting or printing on A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mm x 420mm) sized white paper. Details of the mascot must be clearly shown.
  5. Output file of a computer-aided design can be in PNG or JPG format with 300 dpi and a file size between 1MB and 10MB.
  6. For animation and video, the output file should be in MP4 format with a file size not exceeding 300MB. The animation or video length should be within 1 minute.
  7. The front and the back views of the mascot must be shown in the entry while the side view is optional. The front, back and side views of the mascot should be painted or printed on A4 or A3 sized paper separately.
  8. Coloured artworks in different forms are accepted (e.g. pencil drawing, watercolour painting, animation, computer drawing, etc.)
  9. Name of the mascot must be provided (in both Chinese and English) together with a description of the character in no more than 250 words.
  10. Entries must be submitted together with an application form by email, post or in person.
  11. Entries must be original and have not been published. Existing clip art images, stock photos, other similar illustrations or copyrighted artworks are not allowed.
  12. Submissions received will be considered as final. No amendment or resubmission will be allowed.
  13. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  14. The copyright of the winning entries and the right to use the winning entries will be owned by HSMC who reserves the right to modify the winning entries, to use them in any forms for public display and to produce them in different forms of promotional items without prior consent from or remuneration to the related participants.
  15. HSMC has the right to interpret the rules of this competition and for final decisions, including whether to adopt the winning design as the final artwork for the HSMC mascot.

Submission Deadline

  • 20 October 2017 (Friday)

Submission Method

Please submit the entries together with a completed application form in the following ways:

  • Email: mascot@hsmc.edu.hk or
  • Post/In Person*:  Communications and Public Affairs Office,
                                     Room 816, 8/F,
                                     Lee Quo Wei Academic Building (Block D),
                                     Hang Seng Management College,
                                     Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,
                                     New Territories, Hong Kong
                                     (Please mark “HSMC Mascot Design Competition” on the envelope)

* Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5:45pm(except Public Holidays)

For submission via email, the entry must be submitted on or before 11:59pm, 20 October 2017 (Friday). For submission by post, the postmark date must be within the submission period. Late submission will not be accepted.