1 March 2017
Introducing an array of promising job opportunities to our fellow students, HSMC Careers Fair 2017 was successfully held on 28 February and 1 March by the Career Planning & Development team of Student Affairs Office (SAO). The 2-day event drew over 1200 students and guests.
Employers from a wide range of industries including accounting, aviation, banking,conglomerate, education, entrepreneurship, government, IT, logistics,marketing, translation and tourism sectors were invited to the Fair. The two-day event attracted 60 renowned corporations, such as Hang Seng Bank, Bank of East Asia, Bloomberg LP, Cathy Pacific Airways, Google Hong Kong, Hong Kong Disneyland, LF Logistics, L’Oréal,Ocean Park, SHINEWING, etc.
Professional organisations were also present to give advice and support to students. Our students can grasp the chance to meet employers face-to-face and get first-hand recruitment information. Around 20 recruitment talks were held during the Fair for students to know more about different industries and job opportunities in detail. CV photo taking service and career aid were also provided alongside to let students better prepare for job application.
We are thankful for theunfailing support from many employers, professional organisations and variousdepartments towards this annual signature recruitment event. Students areencouraged to keep abreast of the graduate and internship opportunitiespromoted on HSMC Job Portal.
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