Amity College Volunteer Team Celebrated Chinese New Year with the Elders

On 21 Jan 2017, members of the Amity College Volunteer Team celebrated Chinese New Year with the elderly at the ELCHK Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation Kwan Shon Hing Yu Chui Neighbourhood Elderly Centre.

Around ten teachers and residents of Amity College played a variety of games, shared food and gifts with about 30 elders at the Centre. The elders were soaked in the festive mood of Chinese New Year through the conversations and games with the volunteers.


Dr Victor Chan, Associate Master of Amity College (2nd right) with teachers and residents of the Amity College Volunteer team


Volunteers chatting with the elderly


A “karaoke enthusiast” leading a Chinese New Year sing-along


Amity College volunteers and the elders posing for a Chinese New Year group photo