Updates of Career Leap Club graduates in work/study life and career tips

21 December 2016

Career Leap Club (CLC) is a 2-year career guidance programme which offers an extensive range of networking opportunities and workshops for a batch of high-performing senior year students. Organised by the Career Planning and Development team of Student Affairs Office, the programme has invited over 10 business professionals and senior management(including CEOs and Directors) to serve as “Industry Advisor” of our students, who contribute themselves to coaching our students individually and sharing their insightful knowledge and experience in various industries.

This year, the first batch of CLC students have just graduated and we are happy to witness their growth along the past two years. Recently, we are delighted to hear some sharing from David, Eva and Janice, who have just embarked on their exciting career / further study journey. Let’s see what are their memorable moments at CLC and their career tips for all HSMC students!

David Poon (BBA-MKT fresh graduate)

Current Capacity: Management Trainee, Hopewell Holdings Limited

David stood out among hundreds of applicants and attained the Management Trainee position of Hopewell Holdings Ltd. In this structured MT programme, David will rotate to different business units and corporate functions within two years and get prepared for managerial positions on a fast track. Working under a fast-paced environment, David believed that time management, planning and adaptability were of utmost importance.

David said that CLC has provided him with opportunities to understand more about his own abilities. The all-rounded programme has trained him to ace the interviews and guided him to develop soft-skills that are essential in the business world.

Career Tips from David: “Imagine your future. Actualise your imagination and overcome all difficulties. Work hard and be curious. No matter how strong your competitors are, you always have more than 50% chance to beat them. Dream big.”

EvaLau (BBA-MKT fresh graduate)

Current Capacity: Account Executive, Yello Marketing

Eva is now working as an Account Executive in Yello Marketing, an integrated marketing agency specialising in the sports market. Indeed,Eva got to know Ms Tina Wong, Co-founder of Yello Marketing via a CLC luncheon event around a year ago; at the event, Eva made an impression on Tina, who offered her an interview opportunity and became her boss eventually. Eva expressed her thanks for all the opportunities provided by CLC, as well as all the useful advices given by the industry advisors.

Working in this dynamic agency that managed signature sports events such as Nike Women 10K, Hong Kong Tennis Openetc., Eva’s daily responsibilities include organising events, arranging press conferences and developing media pitching, etc. She recalled the most interesting project that she has engaged by far was the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Singapore, which gave her precious experience in coordinating events abroad and visiting government-run sports facilities. With a positive attitude and dedicated efforts, Eva is certainly heading towards a promising future in the field.

Career Tips from Eva: “Factors such as family’s expectation, salary and prospect may affect your career choice, but the main considerations are what you truly want to do and what could bring you happiness. Don’t go with the easy way, take the challenging one; explore more as you won’t grow up by staying in the comfort zone. Working in the PR field is not easy, but it is really rewarding and satisfying upon completion of each project.”

Janice Leung (BA-ENG fresh graduate)

Current Capacity: Juris Doctor student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

With a keen interest in the legal profession, Janice is currently pursuing Juris Doctor programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She said that law was a challenging subject with a lot of reading and the stress could be overwhelming. However difficult it was,Janice still found the learning experience very rewarding and she enjoyed the dynamic discussions among students.

Looking back, Janice was particularly grateful for the insightful advice on career development from CLC’s industry advisors. Before joining the CLC, she did not have a clear idea on the career she wished to pursue. After a series of workshops, talks and the sharing from industry advisors, she managed to narrow down her career choices and learnt to focus on pursuing her goals.

Career Tips from Janice: “It is of the utmost importance to choose the field of studies that you are interested in.When you are passionate about what you are learning, you will be able to overcome whatever obstacles ahead. It is also necessary to consider the relevance of the programme to the career field of your choice as your education background will be helpful in pursuing your career.”

About CLC and its industry advisors

CLC is a two-year programme that welcomes application from Year 3 students at the beginning of each academic year (Sep – Oct), and it currently comprises 40 high-performing year 3 and 4 HSMC students. Please visit http://careers.hsmc.edu.hk/index.php/index.php/student-info/career-leap-club(login required) for more information of the programme.

We are thankful for the support from all the industry advisors listed below who have contributed remarkably since CLC was incepted in 2014.

Name Company Capacity
Mr Allan Lee Legacy Academy Limited Director of Training
Mr Anthony Woo Harvard Business School Asia-Pacific Research Center Researcher
Mr Envel Leung OOCL Logistics Senior Manager, Corporate Marketing
Ms  Frances Chan TMF Group Director, Head of Corporate Secretarial Services
Mr Garrick Lau G Edventures Founder and CEO
Ms Jessie Wong Hang Seng Bank Vice President, Sales Monitoring and Operations Control, Secured Loans Department
Mr Ken Lam Agile Property Holdings Limited Chief Manager, Corporate Affairs
Mr Kevin Lau Comba Telecom System Holdings Ltd Independent Non-executive Director
Mr K K Tsang The Bees Holdings Limited Chief Executive Officer
Ms Margaret So KPMG Director, Recruitment and Resourcing, Human Resources
Mr Peter Jung Milton Exhibits Group Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Mr  Raymond Mak Path of Democracy Govenor
Mr Samuel Lau Kerry Logistics Executive Director
Mr Samuel Law UBS Associate Director
Mr S K Lee Hang Seng Bank Head of Financial Crime Compliance
Mr Steve Cheung KPMG Senior Manager, FS Audit
Mr Wilson Cheng EY Partner, Tax & Business Advisory Services

*listed inalphabetical order of advisors’ first name

CLC offers a wide array of networking opportunities and workshops for students

CLC offers a wide array of networking opportunities and workshops for students

David prepares to assume managerial position in a few years’ time

David prepares to assume managerial position in a few years’ time

Eva enjoys her exciting business trip in Singapore

Eva enjoys her exciting business trip in Singapore

Janice (right) aspires to pursue her career in the legal field

Janice (right) aspires to pursue her career in the legal field