HSMC College Orientation 2015/16, School of Business / BBA Programme

20 August 2015

HSMC College Orientation 2015/16, School of Business / BBA Programme

The School of Business / BBAProgramme Orientation was held on 20 August 2015 at the College Hall. Followedby the warm welcoming speech and programme introduction delivered byProfessor Raymond So (Dean and BBA Programme Director), members of theStudent Association of Business Administration presented their fabulous campus life at HSMC with awesome performances and videos. Another great moment was the group sharing betweenteachers and students which encouraged the freshmen to embrace their campuslife with excitements and expectations.

Professor Raymond So (Dean of School of Business and Programme Director of BBA Programme) warmly welcomed the freshmen

Professor Raymond So (Dean of School of Business and Programme Director of BBA Programme) warmly welcomed the freshmen
Impressive performance and sharing by the Student Association of Business Administration (SABA)
Impressive performance and sharing by the Student Association of Business Administration (SABA)
Group sharing between teachers and students
Group sharing between teachers and students